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„Ketil” w nowej książce Bo Bengtsona „The whippet”
Mój artykuł o whippetach w katalogu „Psy rasowe w Polsce”
Nasze psy w artykule o whippetach w miesięczniku „Przyjaciel Pies”.
„Ketil” jako przykład „suchej budowy” w miesięczniku „Mój Pies 8/2007”.
„Ketil” w internetowym wydaniu e-whippetzine (.HTML)
„Ketil”, „Lando” i „Romina” w „Viva!” 18/2010 (.PDF)
Wywiad ze mną jako hodowcą whippetów w kwietniowym wydaniu miesięcznika „Cztery Łapy”
„Ketil” w sprawozdaniu z wystawy w Donaueschingen w Niemczech piórem sędziego Bo Bengtsona, cytat:
„Best of Breed was a stunning dark brindle dog with white trim that I didn’t recognize at all, and I couldn’t wait to see what his breeding was. He was on the tall side but had a beautiful, sweeping outline, excellent angulation front and rear, and such easy, driving movement that I kept wondering where he might come from. To my surprise I found that this was a dog I had given a 5-point major to in the U.S. more than two years earlier, and certainly ought to have recognized: Ch. Tylko Ty Viking’s Pride. He’s now 4½ years old, bred and owned in Poland, but sired by my old Swedish favorite Ch. Wolf Tone Viking (who’s of course almost all U.S. bred) out of a Barnesmore bitch from Ireland. I liked him if anything more than when I saw him last time – with maturity he has fined down a bit and is more elegant than before, without losing any of the qualities I admire.”
O „Ketilu” w amerykańskim miesięczniku „The Whippet News” w artykule o Ch. Wolf Tone Vikingu, cytat:
„In my opinion, one of Viking’s most impressive sons is the Polish-born Ch. Tylko Ty Viking’s Pride, who won three majors during his visit in the U.S. (including 5 pts., BOW and BOS over specials under me): very much his father’s son in most respects and apparently destined to have a big influence as an international sire also.”